Brain Awareness Month – March Updates.

March is Brain Month. All over the world, people like you are thinking about the way their brain works and what can be done to guard against memory loss. You’ve already taken important steps in this direction and below we bring you more quick reminders....
Should Baby Boomers Be Worried? Why?

Should Baby Boomers Be Worried? Why?

In 2016, the oldest of the baby boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964, turned 70 years old.  Until the financial crisis, there had never been a better time in history to be 70. Boomers as a generation are more wealthy, living more interesting lives and...
Memory – True or False?

Memory – True or False?

Memory and memory loss in is the news a lot these days. As a Brain Tuner, you know more than most! But there are SO many myths and old wives’ tales about memory and the brain out there. It CAN get confusing! Give yourself this quick test. Are the following...
Vitamin D and Dementia

Vitamin D and Dementia

A daily dose of ‘D’ Half of all women and a third of all men over 60 are diagnosed with Osteoporosis and low Vitamin D. (New Zealand statistics). Half of the U.S. population over age 65 has insufficient or deficient levels of Vitamin D. “There is a recent and...
What’s His Name Again?

What’s His Name Again?

Remember the days when you knew everyone’s name instantly? And recognized faces without a problem? In those days, you never seemed to have to struggle for clues – you just knew. You were probably about 14! Actually, until you find yourself searching frantically for a...